As a professional dancer in New York City, Amber Sloan’s fitness and yoga teaching is inspired by her love of movement. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where she studied anatomy, kinesiology and biomechanics. Sloan is a certified yoga instructor through ISHTA (Integrated Science of Hatha, Tantra and Ayurveda) under the tutelage of Alan Finger. She is also a certified pre-natal yoga instructor through Om Yoga and a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
Sloan teaches yoga and fitness at various universities, colleges, prep schools and private gyms in the area as well as privately in client’s homes. Her extensive knowledge of the human body allows for injury-free exercise and her classes offer a wide range of modifications for all levels and ages. She enjoys creating fun yet challenging sequences that elevate the heart while calming the mind and facilitates students’ growth through patience and encouragement.
To purchase pre-recorded yoga classes or to inquire about personal training or private yoga sessions, please contact [email protected].
Amber teaches open level classes at Asphalt Green in Battery Park City on Sundays (yoga from 10:30am-12pm) and Mondays (yoga from 6-6:50pm and Total Body Fitness from 7-7:50pm). Click here for more information.

Thoughts from Amber on teaching:
“When I received my certification to teach yoga in 2004, it not only deepened my own practice but it reminded me that even as a teacher, one always remains a student of the discipline. I continue to learn new things from my students and am constantly inspired by their enthusiasm, dedication and passion. I love seeing how yoga and/or exercise can change one’s body and life and I am humbled that I can offer that experience through my teaching..”
“Amber Sloan has been my yoga teacher of choice for the last three years. I deeply appreciate her focus, her commitment to helping us improve our form, her sense of humor, the reliable pace she sets, and the way she weaves thoughtful yogic reflections into the class. She has a real following in my neighborhood, and for good cause! I highly recommend her as an instructor.”
-Julia Pimsleur, Founder/CEO of Little Pim
“I have been taking yoga and fitness classes with Amber Sloan for many years and she is a gift. If you are looking for an experienced teacher, who offers step-by-step instruction on proper alignment, offers options for all levels of students, brings new learnings to class, and paces her classes beautifully, come experience her teachings for yourself.”
-Lalita Badinehal
“Working out with Amber Sloan was fun! While living in Manhattan from 2007 to 2011, my wife Natalie and I each worked out three days a week with Amber. We are both in our 60’s and found the workouts both challenging and rewarding.”
-Stanley Merdinger
“I have had the pleasure to be a participant in both yoga and fitness classes conducted by Amber in my local gym. Regardless of the class or my skill level, I find the experience to be beneficial both mentally and physically. Amber is a unique instructor with an intuitive nature and a warm personality that provides her students with the inspiration to reach their individual potential. Her knowledge is unsurpassed. I welcome the opportunity to work with her.”
-Roseann Trozzo